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Email: [email protected], Telephone: +972 77 300 1612, Cell 055 952 7581

M.D.   University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, 1982, USA
Ph.D. Leiden University, Pharmacognosy, 2008, The Netherlands
M.B.A. University of Bradford, 2008, England 
B.A. New College, 1975, Psychology / Biology, Sarasota, Florida, USA

Doctoral thesis (Leiden University): Anticancer pharmacognosy of Punica granatum

Master’s thesis (University of Bradford): Strategic management of chaos

Baccalaureate thesis (New College): Consciousness and the ergotropic and trophotropic systems of arousal


Series Editor. CRC Press, 1. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Industrial Profiles

                                           2. Traditional Herbal Medicines for Modern Times

CEO, CTO, Rimonext Ltd. (2019 -), Haifa, Israel

Research Fellow, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel


  • Lansky ES, Lansky S, Paavilainen HM, 2017. Harmal: The Genus Peganum  CRC Press
  • Lansky ES, Lansky S, Paavilainen HM, 2014. Caper: The Genus Capparis, CRC Press
  • Lansky ES, Paavilainen HM, 2010, Figs: The Genus Ficus, CRC Press
  • Newman RA, Lansky EP, Block M 2007. Pomegranate: The Most Medicinal Fruit, Basic Books


Hypnosis and Neuroscience

Punicology (pomegranate pharmacognosy)

  • Bishayee A, Bhatia D, Thoppil RJ, Darvesh AS, Nevo E, Lansky EP. Pomegranate-mediated chemoprevention of experimental hepatocarcinogenesis involves Nrf2-regulated antioxidant mechanisms. Carcinogenesis 2011; 32(6):888-96. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21389260/
  • Tran HN, Bae SY, Song BH, Lee BH, Bae YS, Kim YH, Lansky EP, Newman RA. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) seed linolenic acid isomers: concentration-dependent modulation of estrogen receptor activity. Endocr Res 2010;35:1-16.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20136514/
  • Khan GN, Gorin MA, Rosenthal D, Pan Q, Bao LW, Wu ZF, Newman RA, Pawlus AD, Yang P, Lansky EP, Merajver SD. Pomegranate fruit extract impairs invasion and motility in human breast cancer. Integr Cancer Ther 2009;8(3):242-53. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19815594/
  • Katz SR, Newman RA, Lansky EP. Punica granatum: heuristic treatment for diabetes mellitus. J Med Food 2007; 10(2):213-7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17651054/
  • Lansky EP, Newman RA. Punica granatum (pomegranate) and its potential for prevention and treatment of inflammation and cancer. J Ethnopharmacol 2007;109(2):177-206. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17157465/
  • Lansky EP. Beware of pomegranates bearing 40% ellagic Acid. J Med Food 2006; 9:119-22. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16579739/
  • Aslam MN, Lansky EP, Varani J. Pomegranate as a cosmeceutical source: pomegranate fractions promote proliferation and procollagen synthesis and inhibit matrix metalloproteinase-1 production in human skin cells. J Ethnopharmacol. 2006; 103: 311-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16221534/
  • Lansky EP, Von Hoff DD. Complex and simple. Leuk Res 2005; 29(6):601-2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15863195/
  • Lansky EP, Harrison G, Froom P, Jiang WG. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) pure chemicals show possible synergistic inhibition of human PC-3 prostate cancer cell invasion across Matrigel. Invest New Drugs 2005; 23: 121-2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15744587/  Erratum in: Invest New Drugs. 2005; 23(4):379. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15744587/
  • Lansky EP, Jiang W, Mo H, Bravo L, Froom P, Yu W, Harris NM, Neeman I, Campbell MJ. Possible synergistic prostate cancer suppression by anatomically discrete pomegranate fractions. Invest New Drugs 2005; 23(1):11-20. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15528976/
  • Mehta R, Lansky EP. Breast cancer chemopreventive properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit extracts in a mouse mammary organ culture. Eur J Cancer Prev 2004; 13(4):345-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15554563/
  • Albrecht M, Jiang W, Kumi-Diaka J, Lansky EP, Gommersall LM, Patel A, Mansel RE, Neeman I, Geldof AA, Campbell MJ. Pomegranate extracts potently suppress proliferation, xenograft growth, and invasion of human prostate cancer cells. J Med Food 2004; 7(3):274-83. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15383219/
  • Kawaii S, Lansky EP. Differentiation-promoting activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum) fruit extracts in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells. J Med Food 2004; 7(1):13-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15117547/
  • van Elswijk DA, Schobel UP, Lansky EP, Irth H, van der Greef J. Rapid dereplication of estrogenic compounds in pomegranate (Punica granatum) using on-line biochemical detection coupled to mass spectrometry. Phytochemistry 2004; 65: 233-41. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14732284/
  • Hora JJ, Maydew ER, Lansky EP, Dwivedi C. Chemopreventive effects of pomegranat e seed oil on skin tumor development in CD1 mice. J Med Food 2003;6:157-61. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14585180/
  • Toi M, Bando H, Ramachandran C, Melnick SJ, Imai A, Fife RS, Carr RE, Oikawa T, Lansky EP. Preliminary studies on the anti-angiogenic potential of pomegranate fractions in vitro and in vivo. Angiogenesis 2003; 6(2):121-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14739618/
  • Kim ND, Mehta R, Yu W, Neeman I, Livney T, Amichay A, Poirier D, Nicholls P, Kirby A, Jiang W, Mansel R, Ramachandran C, Rabi T, Kaplan B, Lansky E. Chemopreventive and adjuvant therapeutic potential of pomegranate (Punica granatum) for human breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2002; 71(3):203-17.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12002340/
  • Schubert SY, Lansky EP, Neeman I. Antioxidant and eicosanoid enzyme inhibition properties of pomegranate seed oil and fermented juice flavonoids. J Ethnopharmacol 1999;66(1):11-7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10432202/

Pharmacognosy other than pomegranate

Book reviews

Lansky ES.  [Remembering the Self: A Review of Joseph Tarfur’s The Fellowship of the River: A Medical Doctor’s Exploration into Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine]. Harefuah 159 (1): 55-57, 2020.

Lansky ES.  Peter Sterling’s What is Health?.Allostasis and the Evolution of Human Design. Biosystems 198: 104265, 2020.

PATENTS (all as sole inventor)

Phytoestrogen supplement prepared from pomegranate seeds and a herbal mixture or coconut milk. US Patent, 5,891,440, 1999.

Pomegranate supplements prepared from pomegranate material including pomegranate seeds. US Patent, 6,060,063, 2000.

Pomegranate juice and oil products. South Africa Patent, 2002/3898, 2003.

Pomegranate juice and oil products. Australia Patent, 774619, 2004.

Phytoestrogen supplements. Israel Patent, 149521, 2004.


  • Hypnosis, Israel, active, number 66581
  • Medicine
  • Israel, active, number 26713
  • Pennsylvania, New York, Iowa, New Jersey, Massachusetts, USA, all inactive

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (as sole author or co-author)

The lympho-neuric syncytium: a new model for the integrated use of ayahuasca on mind and body.  Invited Address, World Ayahuasca Conference, ICEERS, 2019, Girona, Spain, 31 May – 2 June.

Phyto-photo-biomodulation for PTSD etc., Conference on Trauma and Mental Health 2017, Jerusalem, Israel, 21-23 May.

Punica granatum and inflammation-induced cancer.  Inflammation-Induced Cancer Conference, Jerusalem, Israel,  24-27 March 2012.

Prescription-only, cancer preventive and therapeutic pomegranate nutraceuticals.

Invited Address,  Fourth International Conference on Mechanism of Action of Nutraceuticals. (ICMAN4), Tel Aviv, Israel, October 21-22, 2007.

The secret to a w-i-d-e therapeutic index. Invited Address,  3rd Haifa Cancer Prevention Workshop, Haifa, Israel, October 15-17, 2007.

Development of a pomegranate product for breast cancer prevention. American Society of Pharmacognosy 48th Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine, USA, July 14-18, 2007

Prevention of mammary tumorigenesis by aqueous and lipid pomegranate fruit extracts: in vitro and in vivo studies.  98th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research, Los Angeles, 14-18 April, 2007.

Pomegranate-prostate “intercrinology”: novel anticancer drug opportunities.  2nd Joint American Israel Conference on Cancer, Jerusalem, 28-30 June, 2006.

Transcendental Meditation® (TM®): “Two-edged sword” in the etiology and management of epilepsy. Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 6-8, 2006.

Punicic acid: a putative chemopreventive agent.  International Cancer Prevention Conference, Dead Sea, Israel, May 6-8, 2004.

Therapeutic synergy in pomegranate.  94th Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research, Washington, DC, 11-14 July 2003.

Chemopreventive effects of pomegranate extracts in a mouse mammary organ culture (MMOC). 13th Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 3-5, 2002.

Chemopreventive and therapeutic complementarity of RimonestTM pomegranate (Punica

granatum) fruit extracts on gene targets in human prostate cancer cells. First International

Symposium on Signal Transduction Modulators in Cancer Therapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2002.

Antimutagenic potential of pomegranate (Punica granatum).  8th International Conference

on Environmental Mutagens, Shizuoka, Japan, October 21-26, 2001.

Chemopreventive strategy in pomegranate (Punica granatum): implications for evolution and treatment. Invited Lecture,  International Symposium on Dietary and Medicinal Antimutagens and Anticarcinogens: Molecular Mechanism and Chemopreventive Potential, Seoul, Korea, October 17-19, 2001.

Further studies on pomegranate and breast cancer: apoptosis and differential toxicity to normal breast epithelial cells. IV Madrid Breast Cancer Conference, Madrid, Spain June 7-9, 2001.

Effect of pomegranate extracts on proliferation of human prostatic epithelial and stromal cells in vitro. Annual Meeting of Nordic Association for Andrology (NAFA), Malmo, Sweden, September 2, 2000.

Pharmacological and therapeutic properties of pomegranate. First International Conference on The Pomegranate, Orihuela, Spain, 1998.

Addiction, well-being, and cure: a homeostatic model.  2nd Annual Dead Sea Conference on The Anatomy of Well-Being.  Tiberias, Israel, 28 November-2 December, 1993.

Heuristic pharmacognostics in King Solomon’s garden. Presented at International

Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, March 22-25, 1993. Printed in Acta Horticulturae, 344: 166-177, 1993.

Qigong as a putative treatment for immuno-deficiency syndromes. First World Conference for Academic Exchange of Medical Qigong, Beijing, China, 1988.

Acupuncture and hypnosis as synergistic therapies.  American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, 1984.


1982-1983 Intern in Psychiatry, Pennsylvania Hospital,

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

1983-1988 Private Practice, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,


1989-1992 Private Practice, Iowa City and Waterloo,

Iowa, USA

1991 Emergency Physician, Native American Hospital,

Owyhee, Nevada, USA

1991-1993 Emergency Physician, Mercy Hospital,

Corning, Iowa, USA

1992-1993 Emergency Physician, Nantucket General

Hospital, Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA

1993- present Private Practice, Haifa, Israel

1997-1999 Physician-Homeopath, Kupot Cholim

Meuhedet, Ramat HaSharon and Haifa, Israel

1997-1999 Physician-Homeopath, Kupot Cholim Maccabi,

Herzlia and Bnai Brak, Israel

1999- 2018  Co-Founder, CEO and Scientific Director,

Rimonest Ltd., Haifa, Israel

2006-2018 Scientific Director, Punisyn Pharmaceuticals,

Haifa, Israel

Resident Psychiatrist, 2011, Jerusalem Mental Health Center, Jerusalem.

2019-present, CEO, CTO, Rimonext Ltd., Haifa, Israel


2nd degree black belt (nidan),, Chief Instructor and Founder, Kokikai Aikido, Israel.

Member, Israel Association for Classical Homeopathy

Member, American Institute of Homeopathy

Member, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Member, American Telemedical Association